Thursday, November 3, 2011

Where Netflix wants to go next: India, Korea, Japan?

Hulu 금년에 일본 진출. 그리고 아시에서 다음 나라는?

한국의 영상 제작사, 유통사는 빨리 그리고 광범위하게 포괄하는 콘텐츠 유통 전략을 짜야 한다.

Netflix first crossed the U.S. border when it expanded to Canada in September of 2010, and then surprised everyone with a massive expansion to 43 countries across Latin America and the Carribean in July. Most recently, the company announced that it will open shop in the U.K. and Ireland in early 2012, and a Variety report hinted at an expansion to Spain in 2012as well.