Friday, December 23, 2011

what a shame we korean people are... one horrible leader, but millions of suffered people.

In S. Korea, a shrinking space for speech

Heavily wired South Korea is policing its Internet in new and aggressive ways, giving citizens less room to say what they want about their leaders, their society and, in some instances, their combative neighbor to the north...

Popular South Korean podcast host sentenced to a year in jail

A member of a popular South Korean free-speech performance group on Thursday was sentenced to a year in jail in a move activists call a government crackdown on the Internet.

정봉주 유죄판결은 법적 착시현상 / 박경신

국가가 국민이 한 말이 허위라고 해서 잡아 가두거나 국가가 독점하는 기타 강제력을 행사하려면 우선 그 말이 허위임이 입증되어야 한다.